sexta-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2020

 Campeonato Brasileiro 2020 São Paulo x Atlético-MG (26ª rod) Jogo completo (Globo)

Se for assistir, depois de clicar espere 5 seg. Feche a propaganda e clique permitir. 

If you are going to watch, after clicking wait 5 sec. Close the ad and click allow. 

Euro 1996 (Matches)

Euro Cup 1996 England v Switzerland (Group A) full match 1st half

Euro Cup 1996 England v Switzerland (Group A) full match 2st half

quinta-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2020

World Cup 1970 England v West Germany (1/4 finals) full match

 World Cup 1970 England v West Germany (1/4 finals) full match

 World Cup 1970 England v West Germany (1/4 finals) Extra time

Se for assistir, depois de clicar espere 5 seg. Feche a propaganda e clique permitir. 

If you are going to watch, after clicking wait 5 sec. Close the ad and click allow. 

 Campeonato Brasileiro 2020  Flamengo x Santos (25ª rodada) 13.12.2020 Jogo completo (globo).


Aviso: O link acima contém anúncios ao abrir, se for baixar, depois de clicar espere 5 seg. Feche a propaganda e clique permitir. 

Warning: The link above contains ads on opening, if you are going to download, after clicking wait 5 sec. Close the ad and click allow. 

segunda-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2020

Euro 1988 (Matches)

Euro Cup 1988 West Germany v Italy (Group 1) full match

Euro Cup 1988 Italy v Spain (Group 1) full match

Euro Cup 1988 Germany v Spain (Group 1) full match

Euro Cup 1988 Italy v Denmark (Group 1) full match

Euro Cup 1988 Netherlands v Soviet Union (Group 2) full match

Euro Cup 1988 England v Netherlands (Group 2) full match

Euro Cup 1988 Republic of Ireland v Soviet Union (Group 2) full match

Euro Cup 1988 Netherlands v Republic of Ireland (Group 2) full match

Euro Cup 1988 West Germany v Netherlands (semi-finals) 1st half

Euro Cup 1988 West Germany v Netherlands (semi-finals) 2st half

Euro Cup 1988 Italy v Soviet Union (semi-finals) full match

Euro Cup 1988 Netherlands v Soviet Union (Final) full match

Google Drive: Para assistir, depois de clicar espere 5 seg. Feche a propaganda e clique permitir. 
To watch, after clicking wait 5 sec. Close the ad and click allow. 

Euro 1984 (Matches)

 + Jogos (matches)

Euro Cup 1984 France v Denmark (Group 1) full match

Euro Cup 1984 Denmark v Yugoslavia (Group1) 1st half

Euro Cup 1984 Denmark v Yugoslavia (Group 1) 2nd half

Euro Cup 1984 West Germany v Portugal (Group 2) full match

Euro Cup 1984 Spain v Romania ( Group 2) full match

Euro Cup 1984 Spain v Portugal (Group 2) full match

Euro Cup 1984 West Germany v Spain (Group 2) full match

Euro Cup 1984 France v Portugal (semi-finals) 1st half

Euro Cup 1984 France v Portugal (semi-finals) 2nd half

Euro Cup 1984 France v Portugal (semi-finals) Extra time

Se for assistir, depois de clicar espere 5 seg. Feche a propaganda e clique permitir. 
If you are going to watch, after clicking wait 5 sec. Close the ad and click allow. 

sábado, 12 de dezembro de 2020

Copa do Mundo 2010 Espanha x Holanda (Final) com Galvão Bueno (Globo) Jogo completo

Prévia/Preview Jogo completo no link abaixo Full match on the link below Google  Drive: Para  assistir o jogo, espere 5seg. feche a propagan...